comanche trailer tent: Pros and Cons

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Caravana plegable takeoff de easy caravanning

In the last few years, tourism enthusiasts have been booming the trips in which vehicles such as caravans and motorhomes are the protagonists. Traveling with the house “on your back” is a very interesting option for all the advantages that this type of adventure has.

This has led to the emergence of many different modalities when it comes to carrying out this type of tourist experience. One of the most popular in recent times is the Comanche trailer tent. Also known as tent trailers, they are a very comfortable camping formula to sleep away from home without having to rent hotels or motorhomes.

This alternative to traditional caravans is very interesting, as it has many advantages. Although, like everything else, Comanche tents also have some drawbacks that should be kept in mind when choosing the best method of rest on a trip.

Comanche trailer tent: what are its characteristics?

The use of the trailer comanche is not new. In fact, this type of structure first appeared in the 1970s and, since then, thousands of families around the world have opted for this formula for camping.

Comanche trolley

However, it is true that in recent years Comanche trailers have experienced a surge in popularity due to some of their key features.

In short, this type of structure allows you to set up a great tent from a trailer only. Many models of Comanche tent cars are so complete that they have almost as many amenities as the best motorhome on the road today.

These Comanche tents can be transported anywhere, set up in a very short time and, with just a few simple steps, have a space in which to sleep, leave luggage, eat, etc. All this in a completely satisfactory way for all the members of a trip.

To know if it is interesting to think about the Comanche tent trolley for traveling, the main thing is to know the advantages and disadvantages related to this type of camping spaces. Not to be confused with mini caravans, the Comanche tent car is a type of folding caravan.

Advantages of using a Comanche trailer tent

The advantages of the Comanche tents are many and are related to the fact of spending the night in the tent as well as its transportation, assembly and disassembly.


The main problem with motorhomes is that users who have not had previous experience with them are afraid to travel with this type of vehicles due to their size, weight and special conditions. This problem is eliminated with a stroke of a pen with the Comanche trolleys, since they are a small-sized structure that can be perfectly coupled to any type of vehicle.

A passenger car is a car powerful and strong enough to move these trailers. And together, they make for a comfortable structure to handle and with which you can cover hundreds of kilometers and traverse roads of all kinds – highways, freeways, dirt roads – without any problem.

Comfort and safety

Any Comanche-type trailer today is designed to the millimeter to offer comfort to its occupants. The spaces are clearly divided, the materials are designed for comfort, and each of the entrances can even be closed with latches to sleep peacefully.

Simple assembly

The latest Comanche tent models that have reached the market have been designed to optimize assembly. What does this mean? That the manufacturing brands have put all their attention in generating a fast, comfortable and easy to follow store set-up protocol.

The objective is that traveling families who opt for this type of space to spend the night in the campsites do not have to spend too much time getting everything ready to focus on enjoying themselves.

Less expenses

A trailer tent is essential for those who want to enjoy camping at a lower price. One only has to look at the actual market data to see for oneself. And the fact is that buying this type of structure is much cheaper than buying or renting a motorhome. With only 4000 euros of investment it is possible to be equipped with a trailer tent enough for a couple of people, new and of high quality.

What are its disadvantages?

Obviously, like any other option, there are also drawbacks or “cons” to this type of element that can help in making the decision as to whether this is the best method for a nature connection trip.

Kitchen and toilet not included

A Comanche trolley tent will allow you to set up a high quality tent, but it is important to be clear that this type of structure cannot incorporate bathrooms, kitchens or other facilities such as furniture.

It will be necessary to have portable fires and chemical toilets that can be transported if you do not wish to eat in the campsite restaurant or in bars in the area. Or if you don’t want to have to use restrooms outside the comfort space offered by the tents.

Disassembly is more complex

Many users of this type of structure find that, just as assembly is usually quick and easy, things seem to get a little more complicated when it’s time to pick up.

Getting all the material to fit in the trailer can be difficult at times, so you need to be in control of the pick-up protocol so you don’t make a mistake and have to start all over again.

Ineffective insulation

Due to its own characteristics, this type of Comanche trolley is usually a poorly insulated cabin, so that in cold or very hot weather the interior may not maintain a pleasant comfort temperature. This can become a real problem when temperatures border on extreme data.

These are the main advantages and disadvantages of a Comanche trailer tent. When opting for this camping formula, reflecting on all the advantages and disadvantages will allow travelers to decide if this is an interesting possibility for their next trips or if, on the contrary, it is necessary to look for alternative options to enjoy an extraordinary experience in a natural space.

Comanche Trailer Tent Prices

ModelIndicative Price (VAT included)
Comanche OREGON FOR 4-8 PERSONS Official Website7632 euros
Comanche Camping Kenya Desert 4 PERSONS Official Website4994 euros
Comanche Trailer Tent Second Hand on Wallapop900 and 3500 euros

So, if you are looking to travel with your Comanche trailer tent or, directly, you want to live a unique natural experience, in our campsite you can enjoy the best accommodation while enjoying the activities available in the surroundings.

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