the weather in Benidorm

All the information on “El Tiempo en Benidorm”: forecast of temperature, waves, wind, dawn, dusk and sea water temperature.

El tiempo en Benidorm con estación meteorológica de AEMET

The meteorological data are compiled by an AEMET station, located in the municipality, and by the Benidorm City Council’s own stations. More real data than from other municipalities, which usually obtain the results from nearby meteorological stations located at strategic points such as airports.

Forecasts for 7 and 15 days and in real time on the meteorology of Benidorm: clear, cloudy, rainy, showers, thunderstorms …

The best information to plan your vacations in a camping in Benidorm Before going on a trip. Review the information well to make the most of your days in the city. Although the weather in Benidorm is exceptional and we usually have more than 300 days of sunshine a year thanks to the orography that provides us with a unique microclimate in the Mediterranean, don’t let a rainy day spoil your day in the Mediterranean. aqualandia water park , your day at the beach or your day with the children in the campsite animation . From reception we offer you alternatives for any weather, because Benidorm is full of possibilities.

Benidorm is a Mediterranean city, with a unique microclimate. Its orography means that we can have a temperature difference of up to 3º between the time of Benidorm and the time of Altea, a town near Benidorm.

Being surrounded by Sierra Helada, Sierra Cortina and Sierra Bernia, it is protected from certain weather phenomena, which give it more than 300 days a year of sunshine and a pleasant temperature.


MonthAverage CºAverage Rainfall
January1220.3 mm
February1227.9 mm
March1425.4 mm
April1633.0 mm
May1933.0 mm
June2222.9 mm
July255.1 mm
August267.6 mm
September2340.6 mm
October1966.0 mm
November1543.2 mm
December1233.0 mm
 17.92 (annual) 



We can observe the historical series of weather data for Benidorm.

  • ¿ WHEN IT RAINS LESS IN BENIDORM ? The weather in Benidorm is best , as a general rule, in July
  • ¿ WHEN IT IS HOTTER IN BENIDORM ? The weather in Benidorm is over warm , by average temperature, in August and it’s around 26.5 ° C.
  • ¿ WHEN IT IS COLDER IN BENIDORM ? The weather in Benidorm is over cold , 11.2 ° C average in January .
  • The thermal sensation it may be higher due to humidity in the environment. It usually takes a couple of days for people to acclimate.